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WKC IO director visits Shunde Polytechnic
2017-03-17 10:03  

WKC IO director visits Shunde Polytechnic

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Ms. Seungeun Chang, director of International Office from the Westminster Kingsway College (WKC) and Mr. Geoff Booth, CEO of the British Catering Education Professional Associations, visited Shunde Polytechnic (SP) for the modern apprenticeship project at 10 am, March 16th. They were welcomed by President Xia Wei, Vice President Xu Gang, the director of College Office, the dean of the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, and the head of International Office of the college.

Ms. Chang updated the latest information about the project and the future of the project, including the current situation, experience, reference, the localization of the program in China. Mr. Booth described the model and implementation plan of modern apprenticeship pilot project, and made detailed discussions on test scheme, next steps and concrete plans of the apprenticeship pilot with Prof. Chen Jian, the dean of the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management. Both parties reached an intentional agreement for the further cooperation of the modern apprenticeship pilot projects.


Ms. Chang and Mr. Booth visited SP for the cooperative project twice previously. This project is the modern apprenticeship pilot project of vocational education in Guangdong province, and it is mainly for students in the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management of the polytechnic.

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