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The Aachen Centre hosted the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Summit
2024-05-17 20:39 Intelligent manufacturing Institute 

On 14 and 17 May, HKIE Control, Automation and Instrumentation Division, Metropolitan University of Hong Kong and HKUST held the "We Automate, We Innovate and CAI Professionals Engineer Our Future" Summit Forum.

On 14 May, the forum was launched at the Jockey Club Arena on the second floor of the Jockey Club Campus of the Metropolitan University of Hong Kong. Yang Xiaodong, member of the Party Committee and Vice president of our university, and Yu Zhipeng, director of the Guangdong-Aachen Industry 4.0 Application Research Center, attended the launch meeting. Yang Xiaodong delivered a speech at the conference, hoping that the Society of Engineers can give full play to the advantages of team talent, technology and resources, and provide more possibilities for the digital transformation of enterprises in the Greater Bay Area.

Yu Zhipeng delivered a report entitled "Exploration and Practice of the integration of Industry and Education in Vocational Colleges under the Background of Digitalization", introducing the Guangdong-Aachen Industry 4.0 Applied Research Center (hereinafter referred to as Aachen Center), a unique industry-university-research collaboration model of RWTH Aachen University in Germany, which was launched in Shunde, and introducing the achievements of the center from four dimensions of display, innovation, research and development, and education.

As the co-organizer of this event, our university will host the 2nd day of the Forum at the Aachen Center on May 17th. Eighteen engineers from the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers attended the event in Shunde, including Dr Li Chi-chong, Chairman of the Organising Committee of the Forum, and Professor Lok Fah-shing, Consultant of the Organising Committee and Chairman of the Control, Automation and Instrumentation Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers. Protested Zhongwei, executive deputy director of Dawan Office of Shunde District, and Liang Zhibin, president of Science and Technology Association of Shunde District, were invited to attend the event and presided over the opening ceremony.

The activity also received strong support from the Shunde District business community. Wang Jun, President of Shunde District Electronic Information Chamber of Commerce and general manager of Guangdong Ruide Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. attended the summit forum. Wang Jun introduced the development of the Electronic Information Chamber of Commerce and Ruide Intelligence, pointing out that the significance of innovation for the development of enterprises is to improve competitiveness and seek competitive advantages for enterprises. He looked forward to enhancing co-operation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to jointly explore and practice digital transformation.

Also attending the summit forum on the same day were Yang Lin, executive deputy general manager of Foshan Huasu Robot Co., LTD., Zhang Yanfei, general manager of Yizhi Intelligent Interconnection Research Center, Yin Pan, marketing manager of Dazu Robot, Zhang Haoyuan, Guangzhou Saiyi Information Technology Co., LTD., and other leaders of leading enterprises in Shunde District. Government, enterprise and school personnel gathered together to establish a consensus on deepening exchanges, resource complementarity, technology and talent exchange, and seek the coordinated development of the Greater Bay Area.

At the summit forum, Dr. Hu Zheng and Deng Dongbo, engineers of our university, respectively made a report on the theme of "Machine vision - the finishing touch of intelligent manufacturing" and "The application of digital twin technology in smart factories". Invited Dr. CAI Yancheng, Engineer of Metropolitan University of Hong Kong, to give a keynote speech on "Automated Construction: 3D printing Performance of high-performance steel materials". The content of the report has been highly praised by Hong Kong and corporate industry peers.

The successful holding of the "Control, Automation and Instrumentation Division 23/24 Summit Forum" has added a fresh case for the in-depth cooperation between Hong Kong and the Mainland in transport connectivity, policy alignment and industry integration, and ushered in a new base for promoting academic and talent training cooperation in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and promoting the development of the digital economy in Shunde District.

In the future, it is believed that more Hong Kong experts and engineers will join us to further promote the deep cooperation between enterprises and talents in research, technology and education in the Greater Bay Area, and work together to deepen the green and sustainable development of the Greater Bay Area with the wisdom of new quality productivity, and jointly build a better tomorrow for the digital economy of Shunde and even the Greater Bay Area. We concentric dream, polish the development background; Work in the same direction and share the fruits of development; The same frequency resonance, create a new development bureau.

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