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The "Friendship College" project of our school was approved by the Ministry of Education
2024-08-30 18:00  

Recently, our school received a special letter from the Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchange Center of the Ministry of Education, informing us that the "Friendship College" project of the Ministry of Education has been approved, and our school has become the construction unit of the "Friendship College" of the Ministry of Education. The School of Energy and Automotive Engineering is the main implementation department of the project, and the major of refrigeration and air conditioning technology is the main specialty of the project.

"Friendship College" is a brand project promoted by the Ministry of Education to promote Chinese colleges and universities to conduct in-depth cooperation with overseas colleges and universities and Chinese enterprises to "go global" with advantageous majors (groups) as the starting point, and is a powerful measure to help colleges and universities carry out vocational education overseas and serve the national strategy. As the construction unit of "Friendship College", our university will rely on Foshan's industrial advantages and characteristic majors (groups), closely combined with the needs of overseas and local Chinese enterprises to "go global", and carry out cooperation with overseas universities in education cooperation, professional construction, bilingual teaching resources construction and other aspects, to develop vocational education standards, teaching resources and teaching equipment that meet the local needs. Implement the "Chinese + Vocational skills" education project to serve international production capacity cooperation

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